uju News for March

Happy ‘almost’ Spring everyone!

As of this month, I will be contributing a monthly post for the BWN (Barcelona Women’s Network) blog. You can check out the first one here and basically I will be offering a short practice to address some of the common aches and pains that yoga can help to alleviate, or simply mini-sequences to create more space, freedom and flexibility in your body. Suggestions on which sequences you’d like to see are welcome, of course.

In other news, I am now also offering a 10 am Wednesday morning class in English at Espacio Vació, so hope to see you there!

As the weather is warming up again, I’ll be offering some early-evening classes in Ciutadella Park, starting from next month. So watch this space, or join the ujuyoga Facebook page to stay up to date with all the latest uju-happenings.